There is no audio... I never got around to it...

A 2D platformer inspired by various 2D games I've played growing up.


Get to the end of the ruins and destroy a Crystal AI that's taken control of some of your allies.
Save your allies (Optional)


Z- Jump/Jump on the Green Diamonds if you have the hook
X - Shoot/Struggle while you're out of health
A/D - Switch Weapon
Q - Open Menu
Arrow Keys- Movement
Down Arrow - Interact with stuff

No story with this, just kind of wanted to play around with art and learn some unity. It's probably still really really buggy but I don't want to fix it due to it being a mess. The game itself is inspired by Cavestory and momodora. Throughout the development I kept cutting things out until I decided that I was just going to make a 10 minute experience tops. After that I decided to increase the volume of enemies and powerups until I felt it enough. As a result I had removed the map from the game. 

It seems I have also not written a script to close the game.

Special Thanks:


Brackeys: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYbK_tjZ2OrIZFBvU6CCMi

MortMort: https://www.youtube.com/user/atMNRArt


Trigger.7z 11 MB

Install instructions

Download, Extract, Run the Exe

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